
Northwestern Polytechnic Special Projects


April 14, 2022 - May 30, 2022

Northwestern Polytechnic Special Projects : gen.e.sis (noun: the origin or mode of formation of something  ~Oxford dictionary )

An exhibition of work created by students in the Fine Arts Department at Northwestern Polytechnic . The exhibition is a group show of emerging, local talent and features the work created by students in the Special Projects in Studio Disciplines course. Supervised by instructor Tina Martel, the focus of the course is on self-initiated research and projects.






The work presented in this exhibition is from the students of the Special Projects Courses offered through the Fine Arts Department at North Western Polytechnique (formerly Grande Prairie Regional College). This series of classes offers the opportunity and the studio space for senior level students to create their own work under the mentorship of an instructor. The students provide their own ideas. The studio environment provides a rich and nourishing place in which to connect with your peers, discuss art and art theory and share techniques.

It is always a challenge to even attempt to write a statement about such a diverse body of work. Generally, statements seek to explain the connection and theme behind the exhibited artwork. In this case the connection is really proximity of creation. Genesis seemed the perfect description. The oxford dictionary definition is “the origin or mode of formation of something”. This is indeed the origin of something, I would dare to say to many things.

Tina Martel

Special Projects in Studio Instructor

Fine Arts Department, Northwestern Polytechnic

Participating Artists:

Connie Potter |  Shayna Geisel  |  Alysoun Wells  |  Ali Boychuk  |  Christina Wallwork  |  Rosemary Kay  |  Wenoa Backer-Kisner

Exhibition Sponsor


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