Reconnect – Exhibition Opening Reception
Coming up next —> Elsa Robinson’s solo exhibition “Reconnect” opens on March 20th!
”Reconnect” presents an installation of soft sculptures, speaking to the theme of reconnecting and returning to the self. The work invites the viewer to arrive at their full potential, returning to the knowingness within.
Elsa Robinson is a Jamaican-Canadian multidisciplinary artist and instructor based in Amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton). Her decades-long devotion to her visual art practice imbues her work with vibrancy, versatility and an intuitive spiritual poignancy. Through years of study as a self-taught artist, a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Alberta’s Art and Design program and a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Vermont College of Fine Art, Elsa has honed the ability to transmit her deep love and care for humanity using painting, collage, sculpture, installations, dance and theatre.
Artist website:
Curated by: Jessica Groome
Opening Reception: March 20, 2025 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.
The exhibition runs from March 20 – June 1 2025
Artwork in the poster: Elsa Robinson, Possibilities (detail), Mixed media installation, h 11’ x w 8’ x d 8’, 2020. Photo: Courtesy of the Artist