FREE Creativity Kits

FREE Creativity Kits

As part of our Art at Home online initiative, we have created FREE take home creativity kits for you to explore your creativity and enjoy art-making your way!

Glue, stick, twist and tie, build and have fun! Feel free to mix and match the materials provided how it makes sense to you!

With the Art Gallery still being closed to the public we have partnered with Grande Prairie Family Education Society to help distribute these kits to the community. If you would like to pick up a kit for you or for your family, contact them at 780-830-0920 or email They are open 8:30am-4:30pm M-F with convenient parking in front of their building at 9607 102 St.
If you are an organization or group wanting a larger order of kits, please contact or call 780-357-7480.


Share With Us

You can share your activity with us on social media by using the hashtag #ArtatHomeGP. If you’d like us to REPOST your artwork as well, please send us an email at with the image, title and artist’s name attached!

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