Connect to Many Museums!

Connect to Many Museums!

Welcome to the Gallery’s portal to experiencing fun, interactive material from museums across the country.  While many museums have created new pages and projects during this period of social distancing, others have had strong online presence as an extension of their community outreach. We’ve selected those who’s experiences include art making activities and viewing special material.

As a member of the Canadian Museum Association, we hope you enjoy this adventure, discovering other museums and their incredible online art activities.


Click the descriptions to begin



The Agnes Etherington Art Centre, like Art at Home, has an online series of activity. Photo: Tim Forbes


This page has extensive online arts education material from the Royal Ontario Museum.


The National Gallery of Canada has an extensive listing of past exhibitions.


The Art Gallery of Ontario has launched a virtual and online experience.


The Glenbow Museum has online exhibition material for viewing.


The Museum of Contemporary Art‘s ‘shift-key’ program includes virtual art pieces.


The Art Gallery of Hamilton has launched a changing series of online films.


The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts has an extraordinary selection of interactive experiences and arts education online.


The Vancouver Art Gallery events pages include online activity.


The Winnipeg Art Gallery has a deep page of fun, interactive and educational pieces.



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