13 Dux

GPRC Independent Studies
13 Dux
April 11, 2019 - May 26, 2019
This 2018/2019 academic year sees 12 students participating in the Special Studio Project courses facilitated by Grande Prairie Regional College Fine Arts instructor Tina Martel. Through practice, critiques, and collaboration these students are exploring their own artistic avenues and learning to push boundaries within the community of the studio environment. You can look forward to seeing works from these artists in the 13 Dux exhibition on view beginning April 11 and reception held on April 18, 2019.
Tammy Baduk, Paula Fiorini , Jennifer Johnson, Carol Bromley Meeres, Bailey Merkley, Katherine Moe, Danielle Ribar, Erika-Lynn Stamp, Christina Wallwork , Chalene Warner, Alysoun Wells and Morgan Zoe.
To learn more about our upcoming Opening Reception for this exhibition, click the link below.
Opening Reception: 13Dux