Painted with Fire

Ken Lumbis

Painted with Fire

August 16, 2017 - October 1, 2017

Ken Lumbis’s professional career has primarily followed a pathway in biological disciplines. He spent many years as a biologist studying small bird and waterfowl populations. Throughout this period, however, he was involved in artistic endeavours that were informed by bird and habitat observations across western Canadian rural and wilderness landscapes. The opportunity to observe these lands from both the air and ground allowed him to develop an appreciation for the juxtaposition of different habitats and landforms as well as their textures and colours throughout the seasons.

While the biologist in Lumbis may have been focusing on the science of the landscapes, his artistic side was focusing on the beautiful abstract nature of the natural environment. For many years Lumbis has drawn on this reserve of images to develop both representational and abstract works, primarily in stained glass and photography.

During the last few years Lumbis has broadened his artistic endeavours to include clay sculpture and pit-firing techniques. Pit firing represents an intriguing exploration of probabilities. The application of various materials and fire create organic patterns across a ceramic landscape. It is always exciting for Lumbis to uncover a piece from the ashes and to see if the firing has produced the anticipated effects.

“Painted With Fire” represents the results of his exploration of sculptural abstract landscape paintings.


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