Artist Talk w/ Kenzie Housego

Join Grande Prairie native, Kenzie Housego, Thursday December 7 at 6PM, as she talks about her art practice and about the works in her TREX Wall exhibit, ‘❤ 💔 ❤ : Digital Courtship’.
December marks 1 YEAR for the TREX WALL!! The wall is a prominent space for Alberta based artists to display their artwork located just outside the doors of the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie . We have had over 70,000 people walk past the TREX Wall this year. Thank you to our TREX Program Sponsor, KMSC Law for the support to make the TREX WALL a reality.


Artist Tavel Supported By:


Artist Bio:
Kenzie Housego recently completed a Master of Fine Art specializing in new media at the University of Calgary, Mohkinstsis, in Treaty 7 region southern Alberta. As a multidisciplinary artist, her practice includes fiber, embroidery, new media, and assemblage mediums. The use of technology such as LEDs, Arduino micro-controllers, texting, and screens within her research is symbolic of the virtual realms in which we participate as a society. The virtual encompasses social media platform activity, online personas, online dating, and online branding. The digital world has become ubiquitous in communication, shaping contemporary society, particularly in relation to online representation.
It’s important to her that her artwork always offers an invitation for interactivity, encouraging viewers to shift from passive observers to active co-producers as they engage with the digital media, experience other points of view, and ultimately, form their own individual meanings. ‘❤ 💔 ❤ : Digital Courtship’ explores contemporary courtship, romance, technology, and historical signs and signifiers connected to dating and romance.
Housego has had the opportunity to showcase her art nationally and internationally at Beakerhead festival in Calgary, CURRENTS festival, Santa Fe New Mexico, Rome MakerFaire, MakerFaire Bay Area in California, Fashionwear New York, CES Vegas, Xiamen Fashion Week, China, CES ASIA, Shanghai, China, Dublin Ireland, and at a two-week art residency in Shenzhen, China.

Artists Website :  


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Posted November 16, 2023 in Art, News