During this challenging time, it’s important that the community rally around a spirit of collaboration and resource sharing. Committed to these values, the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie and nine10 proudly announce the renewal of nine10’s support for the Gallery as their ‘Creative Partner.’

In this role, nine10 provides graphic design services to the Gallery and supports a range of creative projects online, like the Gallery’s widely successful ‘Art at Home’ project.

Executive Director of the Gallery, Jeff Erbach, explains that the partnership is special to the region, “we feel this is a leading practice model in our community, where a public institution like ours partners with a private business on the basis of shared community values, creativity, innovation and that entrepreneurial spirit so famed in Grande Prairie. The services nine10 provide us are critical in our success for how we can position our artistic endeavours.”

According to Ryan Blais, nine10 Partner and Director of Business Development, “supporting community has always been a focus for nine10, however, the relationship with the Art Gallery has been a special and strategic partnership. It allows our agency to showcase our community support AND creative expertise at the same time. In order to do great work with our community partners, we need passionate involvement and focus. We have that in spades with Jeff and his team. The ‘Art at Home’ project is just one example of how we can help add polish and digital functionality to a very timely arts initiative.”

nine10 have served as the ‘Creative Partner’ for the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie since 2018. The Gallery provides nine10 a range of benefits, which includes access to work in their Collection for display, and in exchange receives financial and in kind contributions of nine10’s professional services.


Posted May 27, 2020 in News